Simple ideas can sometimes go a long way. A game concept based on water quickly evolved
into a team project spanning the country. One successful pitch and 10 weeks of
development later, it ended with the finals of Dare To Be Digital 2007- and widespread
public acclaim. This is the story of Heaven 2 Ocean.
The game itself is easy to learn yet difficult to master. Using gravity and the ability to tilt the world, players must guide water out of harm's way- to the end of the level. Puzzles must also be solved and challenges overcome to make progress. Further twists allow the water to be changed to steam or ice- transforming the game completely in the process.
Many unique challenges were faced throughout the project. As game play and engine programmer, I worked successfully on the following problems:
- Core physics & water simulation.
- Rendering and optimisations for target hardware. Particle effects system.
- Audio and level events system.
- User interface and menus.
- Debugging tools.